
27 February, 2013

真夜中に交わした約束 Translation

A translation of Malice Mizer’s “Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku” from their single of the same name. The song was also part of their album “Bara no Seidou”. My French is not what it used to be, so if the French is wrong, please let me know!

Please do not steal this translation or use it without my permission. All rights belong to Malice Mizer and their label Midi:Nette.





Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku





黄昏の中 浮かぶ影
Tasogare no naka Ukabu kage
Itsuka mita kono koukei
I once saw a spectacle
Where shadows rose up in the twilight.


C'est une imagination capricieuse comme la nuit
Elle est douce, la rencontre fatale
まるで霧のように幻想的な そこは甘美な約束の場所
C'est une imagination capricieuse comme la nuit
Elle est douce, la rencontre fatale.
Marude kiri no you ni gensouteki na Soko ha kanbi na yakusoku no basho
It is the caprice of my imagination in the night.
The fatal encounter is gentle.
There is the sweet place of promise, whimsical like the mist.


囁き冷めた吐息 しのび寄る風よ
私は琥珀の憂い 引き裂かれてゆく
Sasayaki tsumeta toiki Shinobi yoru kaze yo
Watashi ha kohaku no urei Hikisakareteyuku
Whispering cold breath steals into the wind.
I'm torn by the amber grief.


嘆き 闇の彼方
教会の鐘 鳴り響く時
淡い 光の中
Mayonaka ni kawashita yakusoku
Nageki Yami no kanata
Kyoukai no kane Narihibiku toki
Awai Hikari no naka
The promise we exchanged at midnight
Laments on the other side of darkness
As the bells of the church reverberate
In faint light.


淡き月の光に 照らされた影よ
Awaki tsuki no hikari ni Terasareta kage yo
Watashi ha shinku no bara no you ni somariyuku
In the pale light of the moon, the shadows are illuminated.
I will be dyed like a deep crimson rose.


嘆き 闇の彼方
教会の鐘 鳴り響く時
揺らぐ 光は今
Mayonaka ni  kawashita yakusoku
Nageki Yami no kanata
Kyoukai no kane Narihibiku toki
Yuragu Hikari ha ima
The promise we exchanged at midnight
Laments on the other side of darkness
As the bells of the church reverberate
Now in the trembling light.


願い 刻の彼方
白い 眠りの中
Taiyou to tomo ni ochiteyuku
Negai toki no kanata
Yuuyami to tomo ni noboriyuku
Shiroi nemuri no naka
I will fall with the sun
To the other side of the time I wished for,
And then I will rise with the dusk
From within the white sleep.


Anonymous said...

I'm learning Japanese but my French is stronger; I'm fairly certain the first line of French is closer to translating as: "It's a capricious imagination, like the night." Unless I'm wrong, but "It is the caprice of my imagination in the night." would probably be "C'est Le caprice de mon imagination dans la nuit". Or is that a l'anglicisme? You nailed the second line perfectly, however!

Anonymous said...

Actually, now that I've practiced my French more, I've noticed that the second line of French translates closer to "The FATEFUL encounter is gentle", because "Fatal" would mean that it is a deadly encounter, not one of fate, which is what "Fatale" means en Français (Think "Femme Fatale", meaning "Woman of destiny".

Anonymous said...

saiiko da nee! Merci ma chere

Wolfcode said...

I’m literally klaha

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