Translation of VII-Sense’s “Yuki no Kiseki…” from their final single “Silent Assassin”.
Please do not steal this translation or use it publicly without crediting me. All rights belong to VII-Sense and their label Red List Entertainment.
突然吹き荒んだ 季節の終わり告げる風
白い吐息残る あの日と同じ風
Totsuzen fukisusanda Kisetsu no owari tsugeru kaze
Shiroi toiki nokoru Ano hi to onaji kaze
The wind that tells the end of the season suddenly blows violently,
The same as the wind of that day when only white breath remained.
突然色彩を無くし 辺りは白銀の世界
都会に訪れる 最初で最後の奇跡
Totsuzen iro1 wo nakushi Atari ha hakugin no sekai
Tokai ni otozureru Saisho de saigo no kiseki
Suddenly the colour fades... near is a silvery-white world.
Arriving in the city is the first and the last miracle.
行き交う恋人達 あの日の奇跡と重ねた
一際眩しくて 寄り添い震えていた
Yukikau koibitotachi Ano hi no kiseki to kasaneta
Hitokiwa mabushikute Yorisoi furueteita
The lovers that come and go overlap the miracle of that day.
As they cuddled close, trembling, they were all the more wonderful.
君は現在何処にいて 誰の目に映っているのか
今日の街の様に 奇跡は起きないの なぜ
Kimi ha ima2 doko ni ite Dare no me ni utsutteiru no ka
Kyou no machi no you ni Kiseki ha okinai no Naze
Where are you now? Whose eyes are you reflected in?
Like the city today, the miracle won't awaken. Why...?
ねぇ こんなにも ...に降る雪は奇麗なのに
互い違いに震えた指 ただ愛し過ぎて...
Nee Konna ni mo ... ni furu yuki ha kirei na no ni
Te no hira ni aru no ha nukumori dake
Tagai chikai ni furueta yubi Tada itoshisugite...
Hey, even though... the snow that falls like this is beautiful,
There's only warmth in my palm.
The intermittently-trembling fingers are just too lovely...
このまま凍え死にたい あの日の奇跡を感じていたい
重ね合わせた月日が過ぎても あの奇跡を忘れられない
やがて景色は色鮮やかに 終わりを告げるように解けてゆく
何度目の奇跡を迎えれば 夢から覚めるの...
Kono mama kogoejinitai Ano hi no kiseki wo kanjiteitai
Kasaneawaseta tsukihi ga sugite mo Ano kiseki wo wasurerarenai
Yagate keshiki ha iroazayaka ni Owari wo tsugeru you ni todoketeyuku
Nandome no kiseki wo mukaereba Yume kara sameru no...
I want to die freezing like this, I want to feel the miracle of that day.
Even if the years that have overlapped pass, I cannot forget that miracle.
Before long, the scenery becomes brilliant, melting to tell of the end.
When I accept the many miracles, will I wake from this dream...?
1. “Shikisai” (“colours”) is written, but Shaura sings “iro”, which means the same thing.
2. “Genzai” (“present, now”) is written, while Shaura sings “ima” (“now”).