YOU & I 放り出せばいい Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! 今夜は何もかも
YOU & I Houridaseba ii Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Kon'ya ha nani mo ka mo
YOU & I Let's leave it behind! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
-同じ- 仕事場の同僚でもない
-同じ- 同窓会でも会わない
-同じ- 地球に立っちゃいるけど 誰が生きてんのか知らない
-Onaji- Shigotoba no douryou de mo nai
-Onaji- Dousoukai de mo awanai
-Onaji- Chikyuu ni tacchairu kedo Dare ga ikite n no ka shiranai
-The same- It's not the colleagues at work.
-The same- I’m not meeting old classmates.
-The same- I'm standing on the earth, but I don't understand who on it is living.
百ある甘そうな話に 手を伸ばして失敗して それでも石橋叩くなんて -したくない-
獣みたいだね可能性って 吠えられ食われて死んだって 手を伸ばさずに
いらんないよ -もっともっと-
いらんないよ -もっともっと-
見えないとこまで行ける 力が欲しい
Hyaku aru amasou na hanashi ni Te wo nobashite shippai shite Sore de mo ishibashi
tataku nante -Shitakunai-
tataku nante -Shitakunai-
Kemono mitai da ne kanousei tte Hoerare kuwarete shinda tte Te wo nobasazu ni
irannai yo -Motto motto-
irannai yo -Motto motto-
Mienai toko made ikeru Chikara ga hoshii
In the hundreds of naive stories, I failed to stretch out my hand. Even so, I'm beating
on the stone bridge. -I don't want to-
on the stone bridge. -I don't want to-
It's possible I'm like a beast, just howling and eating and dying. I can't help but
reach out my hand. -More and more-
reach out my hand. -More and more-
I can go to the place I can't see. I want power!
YOU & I 放り出せばいい -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! 今夜は何もかも
YOU & I さらけ出していけ -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! それが力に変わる
地球上で今が俺たちの居場所 -長いようで短い- まだ行けるんだ
YOU & I Houridaseba ii -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Kon'ya ha nani mo ka mo
YOU & I Sarakedashite ike -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Sore ga chikara ni kawaru
Chikyuujou de ima ga oretachi no ibasho -Nagai you de mijikai- Mada ikeru n da
Hako no soko ni ha MUSIC
Hako no soko ni ha MUSIC
YOU & I Let's leave it behind! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
YOU & I Lay it all bare! -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Change it to strength!
We belong on this earth now. -So short a time it feels long- We can still do it,
there's MUSIC in the depths of the box.
there's MUSIC in the depths of the box.
-いっぱいだ- 毎日人と出会って
-いっぱいだ- 好き嫌い判別して
-いっぱいだ- 胸のパンドラを開いて 楽になれんなら最高じゃない?
-Ippai da- Mainichi hito to deatte
-Ippai da- Suki kirai hanbetsu shite
-Ippai da- Mune no pandora wo hiraite Raku ni narennara saikou ja nai?
-There's lots- Meeting people every day,
-There's lots- Dividing them into who I like and who I hate...
-There's lots- If opening the Pandora in my heart makes it easier, isn't that better?
どんだけ距離が離れてたって 会いに行けないわけじゃない いっそロケット
だっていい -飛ばして飛ばして-
だっていい -飛ばして飛ばして-
街が違う 市が違う 県が違う 国が違う 共通点探すほうが -難題でしょう-
Dondake kyori ga hanareteta tte Ai ni ikenai wake ja nai Isso roketto
da tte ii -Tobashite tobashite-
da tte ii -Tobashite tobashite-
Machi ga chigau Shi ga chigau Ken ga chikau Kuni ga chikau Kyoutsuuten sagasu
hou ga -Nandai deshou-
hou ga -Nandai deshou-
Sore de mo oretachi ima awanakya dame desho?
No matter how far we’re separated, there's no reason we can't meet.
Just use a rocket! -Fly fly-
Just use a rocket! -Fly fly-
The town is wrong. The city is wrong. The prefecture is wrong.
The country is wrong.
The country is wrong.
Searching for the common features -Is a bit of a challenge-
Even so, we have to see each other, don't we?
YOU & I 土砂降り雨でも -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! 晴れなくたっていいさ
YOU & I 俺たちには光 -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! 聴こえてるんだから
YOU & I 放り出せばいい -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! 今夜は何もかも
YOU & I さらけ出していけ -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! それが力に変わる
YOU & I Doshaburi ame de mo -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Harenakuta tte ii sa
YOU & I Oretachi ni ha hikari -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Kikoeteru n da kara
YOU &; I Houridaseba ii -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Kon'ya ha nani mo ka mo
YOU & I Sarakedashite ike -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Sore ga chikara ni kawaru
YOU & I Even though the rain is pouring down, -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!
It's okay if it doesn't clear up.
It's okay if it doesn't clear up.
YOU & I There's light in us. -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!
Because we can hear it,
Because we can hear it,
YOU & I Let's leave it behind! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
Let's do anything and everything tonight!
YOU & I Lay it all bare! -Stay Free- Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Change it to strength!
地球上で今が俺たちの居場所 -長いようで短い- まだ行けるんだ
箱の底にはMUSIC -止まらないでMUSIC-
箱の底にはMUSIC -止まらないでMUSIC-
自由ってなんだ? 好きなんだ わかんないけど欲しい ああ 俺たちだけの希望
Chikyuujou de ima ga oretachi no ibasho -Nagai you de mijikai- Mada ikeru n da Hako no soko ni ha MUSIC
-Tomaranai de MUSIC-
Jiyuu tte nanda? Suki nanda Wakaranai kedo hoshii Aa Oretachi dake no kibou
We belong on this earth now. -So short a time it feels long- We can still do it,
there's MUSIC in the depths of the box, -Neverending MUSIC-
there's MUSIC in the depths of the box, -Neverending MUSIC-
What is 'freedom'? I love it. I don't understand it, but I want it.
Ah, that wish is ours alone.
Ah, that wish is ours alone.
Please do not steal these translations or use them publicly without crediting me. All rights belong to Matenrou Opera and their label Bellwood Records.
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