Hey guys! It's been awhile, let me catch you up.
I have *not* given up on this project, I just still have stuff going on. Basic summary:
1. I'm still working full-time (roughly 10 hours a day/5 days a week, counting breaks and commute time). This wouldn't actually be an issue on its own, but
2. I'm back in school in the evenings, studying web development, which takes up several nights a week (and half of a weekend day), with homework needing to be done after work.
3. Also, my computer with all my translation/posting/editing programs no longer connects to the internet at my home. (Outside my house, on the other hand...) I could attempt to get some similar programs onto my school computer, but as it's a different OS it'd be a bit of a push.
Plan B right now is to work on the translations when I have a few minutes to spare, and then whenever I have the ability to take my personal laptop somewhere where it will accept the internet, I'll post a bit. Otherwise, Plan A is to focus on finishing school, building an awesome new website, and then just uploading as many translations as I have done at that point and continuing from there.
You guys have always been super supportive and I really miss doing these for you. I'm hoping that I'm able to finish school by November and get back to doing what I love :) Fingers crossed I'll be talking to you all again soon!